
The Name Game

    Naming this company was one of toughest challenges we’ve faced so far. Every time we thought we had the perfect name, the domain was taken, or it was too long, or it was only applicable to a desk space or an office atmosphere. At some point or another, we have been called: Flavor Desk, Studio Splash, Color Junkie, Works Well/Work Swell. Finally we picked what we thought was a winner, domain was available and everything. We were 5 minutes away from from being called “Colorque” pronounced like “barbeque.” It was when I was on the phone with the domain company that Colorque was a BAD idea. “Hi there, I’d like to purchase the domain Colorcue dot com.” “okay, is that c-o-l-o-r-Q or c-o-l-o-r-q-u-e…